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Welcome to Mohammed Al-Shalawi Law Office

We are pleased to welcome you to the website of Muhammad Al-Shalawi Law Firm, which was established to acquaint the honorable visitor with the most prominent legal services that we provide and to strive to achieve results in a system and overcome challenges with high professionalism through a constellation of specialists in their field, hoping that we will meet the client’s expectations of us

The office was established  in (2009) after the resignation of the Judicial Corps in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the work began According to stable professional principles and a purposeful vision. 

We are keen to make efforts to provide practical solutions and speed performance with quality and competition 

  • Leadership in the legal field 
  • Performance perfection
  • Honesty in Dealing 
  • Care and Attention
  • Clarity & Transparency
  • Provide Quick Solutions 
  • Building and Maintaining Relationships 
  • Confidentiality & Privacy 

  • Dedication to customer service
  • integrity & credibility 
  • initiative and efficacy 
  • observe legal impartiality 
  • Flexibility in dealing
  • Performance quality      

We have adopted an organized work mechanism to enhance performance through
  • accommodating the subject and studying it carefully and focusing
  • providing the best solutions with perfection
  • Avoiding Risks
  • Innovating Solutions
  • Responsible Follow-up
  • Professional Development
  • Customer Trust

Our services
Real Estate Management

contract drafting

Corporate Services

Drafting legal and legal systems and regulations

Judicial custody and liquidation


International representation


Pleading before the judicial authorities


Legal and legal advice

Preparing bylaws and notes

Preparing legal and legal studies and strategies

Managing intellectual property is a leading practice in developing creative businesses knowledge by investing it, supporting its protection and preventing its emulation, and our work extends in this scope to assist clients; to reserve rights their intellectual property, auditing their procedures in a sound legal manner, and providing advice on all Class and activity in this new competitive field, and we can provide Special procedures in This domain and copyright and patent registration Invention and designs, and prosecution of infringing trademarks in all Worldwide.

witness sector Real estate has grown significantly in recent years, through the expansion of development projects Infrastructure and the growing demand for residential units, offices and commercial complexes and industrial cities and the development of open lands, and the benefits of giving in it have attracted the entry of More investors in the real estate market to take advantage of the available opportunities and reap profits Attractive, and despite this economic growth in the real estate side, it may face Some investors face many procedural or legal obstacles in it, and our office has contributed to The success of many real estate cases, praise be to God.

Our experience in this domain :

  • Partnership On the property.
  • pre-emption.
  • registration Al Aini Real Estate.
  • Continue Transfer of real estate ownership.
  • present Emptying the sukuk. Providing legal advice to foreigners wishing to own property..
  • verification The wishes of the owners’ union according to the regulations and instructions.
  • present Legal advice in the field of real estate finance.
  • present Mortgage Legal Advice.
  • admin Real estate ownership, and other related legal services.
  • present Advice regarding freehold areas in the region.
  • not This is one of the many fields in this aspect..

guard Judicial or what is called (Judicial Prosecution) is a temporary precautionary and preventive measure ordered competent judge; For systematic reasons to reduce the bifurcation of the dispute and preserve the watchful eye Until the truth appears to the judge, so the guarded money and the like are placed under the hands of a trustworthy party that will take care of it Maintaining, taking care of and managing it in accordance with the regulations and instructions. and judicial custody Rather, it was legislated to protect rights holders whose rights and property are infringed upon.

We can Through our experience in this field :

  • claim At the competent court to impose receivership if the necessary conditions are met. .
  • present All acts of judicial receivership with all professionalism .
  • On the notables and funds entrusted for custody .
  • manage What is needed from them is to manage and take care of maintenance, leasing and collecting fees and its distribution .
  • take Special accounting books for documenting financial movement .

The development Civilizations and the prosperity of their economy depends mainly on the economic aspect and its strength, and with a plurality of The means and methods and the revolution of modern technological techniques have emerged as some contrary practices Which are no less important than the crimes of direct aggression, so countries have organized their laws to protect them economy, and for this purpose it has established organizations and regulatory bodies that fight such forbidden crimes It has a direct impact on both social and economic aspects.

Whereas Criminal law is concerned with the protection of the basic interests of human society Interests protect funds from crimes of assault. Hence, we had an interest in contributing In the fight against such corruption and the great disease, an integrated team of specialized lawyers was formed To take care of this and provide the full service to prevent it and represent customers in order to preserve their rights from Exploitation and loss or trying to bring them down in the solution of economic crime.

And so we can Provide the following:

  • consulting Legal protection against any local or international financial crime :10.0pt;font-family:"Noto Kufi Arabic","sans-serif"; mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"> .
  • present All legal services to fight financial corruption, such as corporate fraud Forgery, embezzlement, bribery, and the like, as stipulated by international regulations font-size:10.0pt; font-family:"Noto Kufi Arabic","sans-serif";mso-fareast-font-family:"Times New Roman"> .
  • Representation Before the judiciary, criminal bodies and Interpol to demand all rights and effects consequential .
  • track Freezing assets locally and internationally, through judicial channels and specialized organizations..
  • present Investigation service in conducting violations of criminal law and regulations and preparing Minutes and final reports.
  • present Legal advice on the rules and foundations for disciplined financial services.

The system witnesses Banking in the world a state of rapid development and meticulous technical innovation, banks are seeking Strives to find policies and mechanisms that fit this remarkable global shift to enhance capabilities Competitiveness at the local and international levels, reducing costs and increasing sales opportunities banking products, speeding up transactions and reducing market access times.

we can from Through our experience in this field:

  • present Consultations related to the practice of banking policy and mechanism, and related documents Financing.
  • set Sharia banking products and their review.
  • Representation Parties in the banking field.
  • setting Drafting financing, mortgage, guarantee and reservation agreements.

1- Establishment and registration of companies of all kinds The office is one of the leading authorities in providing professional and urgent company incorporation services, and facilitating all procedures for registering companies with the competent authorities. The office is characterized by the presence of a specialized staff to practice pleading and litigation work before all parties in the region, and others in providing legal advice service in all commercial fields and others. 2- Mergers and acquisitions of companies We have a team specialized in the field of mergers and acquisitions of companies and others, and it includes acquisitions and mergers between individuals, companies, joint ventures and strategic alliances according to a strategy and an organized legal entity to reduce production and service costs, increase financial capacity and efficiency, improve the quality of production and services provided, and revive practical competition, To obtain secure financing from international banking institutions with ease and ease, our expertise in mergers and acquisitions includes the following: Conducting the necessary studies and legal care for each company according to its needs. Prepare acquisition structures. Drafting contracts and reviewing acquisition and merger procedures. Providing opinion and advice on organizational strategies. Coordination of cross-border transactions. Obtaining approvals from the competent authorities. Finalize the necessary licensing procedures. closures. 3- Corporate Structuring We have a skilled team in the field of corporate structuring and regulation, which is a unique effort in the Middle East to provide optimal solutions to serve companies and their multiple practices. Our experience in corporate structuring includes: Providing advice on the appropriate restructuring and reorganization of companies. Solutions for corporate restructuring, transfer of shares and acquisition of assets. Drafting the terms and provisions of agreements on the organization of structuring. Providing advice to government agencies on regulatory frameworks to attract foreign investments and facilitate corporate incubation. Providing advice on changes in corporate ownership structures and their implementation. Issuance of the license prepared for the activity of companies and the necessary procedures for that. 4- Liquidation of companies Our office carries out procedures for liquidating and documenting companies, and doing accurate accounting work that guarantees the rights and shares of all partners. 5- Corporate Governance In the wake of the global financial crisis, many large companies resorted to adopting the issue of governance as an essential component in directing the management strategy and making it an essential element in their daily operations, and this applies in particular to the current global business environment, and our office has taken a special section to take care of this and find deliberate steps to ensure Increasing and improving organizational performance over recent years under the supervision of a group of specialists in the international corporate governance protocol. Our expertise in corporate governance include: Organizing the board of directors, renewing powers and duties, functions of committees, legalizing their work, rewards, conflict of interests, etc. Preparing the internal controls, the audit mechanism, and the external control measures. Managing and delegating duties. Shareholders' equity. Disclosure and transparency requirements. Basic administrative requirements. 6- Family business The emergence of family-controlled companies in many of the major industries in the region is one of the most important commercial tributaries for each region, and our office is interested in building legal structures, the necessary preparation to protect family-controlled companies and assets from external threats and discussions of internal family dialogues. And Mohammed Al-Shalawi Law Firm is working to provide what ensures that there is a clear path for the future supervision of family assets according to local and regional experience in building those legal structures for commercial assets and properties throughout the region, leading to the stability of asset ownership and aligning assets with any arrangements related to the supervision of the family without Exposing business structures and family understandings to interference and a smooth transition from original family supervision to the next generation. Our experience in organizing family businesses includes: family constitutions. Traditional corporate restructuring. Limited liability structures specially prepared for business risk management. Managing and resolving intergenerational conflicts. Establishment and management of family office support. Legal structures for managing the legal risks and risks associated with family business investments. Organizing special laws to prevent business holidays during the family transition period, such as retirement, disability or death. Family constitutions that direct and direct conversations and discussions, and pave the way for a clear and orderly transition to future oversight. Governance policies according to family and business circumstances including: Educational development for family members, the best ways to distribute zakat and public charitable giving. Preparing liquidity mechanisms for family members. Rules, policies and structures for family business funds.

contributed The administrative judiciary has an effective and important role in limiting the transgression of some administrative works And protect the rights of individuals, merchants, companies and others, through the adjudication of cases before it, and the administrative judiciary derives this importance from its natural description, being the organ The judiciary decides cases against official bodies, regardless of their status its nature.

Our experience in this side the following :

  • Disputes relating to appeals against administrative decisions.
  • suits Related to compensation against official authorities.
  • Disputes Concerning contracts in which the government or a public legal person is a party
  • Disputes Related to the rights established in the civil service and retirement systems for state employees and users of government and devices with public legal personality.

Our office is distinguished by the availability of a specialized team in the field of pleading and litigation works before the judicial authorities in the region, and the provision of legal advice service in all legal fields.
Our experience in this aspect is as follows:

  • Prepare regulations and memoranda.
  • Pleading before judicial authorities.
  • Shari’ah and legal advice of all kinds.
  • Provide all legal services in human rights, criminal, commercial and legal cases. Administrative and banking.
  • Execution of judgments.
  • Execution disputes.
  • Inheritance.

We have the ability Sufficient and specialized cadres to work with government agencies regarding the drafting of laws new or subsidiary legislation and regulations through :

  • Action Studies and analyzes necessary for obstacles and gaps, and identifying the missing ones Improved and integrated output.
  • Action The process of benchmarking, improving performance, and identifying international commitments to fulfill out.
  • Setup Drafting to put it into action through technical means to create the base Legal (wording laws(  < /o:p>
  • Create Ideas Legal principles of lawful activities and practices .

is an attraction Foreign investment, its support and protection is important to enhance job opportunities and attract capital Funds, advanced technology, transfer of science and knowledge, increase exports, help local companies to integrate, and to advance economic growth in general, and the topic of Foreign investment has attracted wide interest among the governments of countries around the world, so competition has become Attracting foreign investment is an important aspect of economic policies For countries, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has provided unprecedented incentives and facilities to enable Those wishing to seize investment opportunities and provide the necessary infrastructure and services To establish investment projects easily and conveniently.

And we made sure To serve our customers in this field with the following:

  • present Legal advice regarding the suitability of those wishing to enter the markets of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia.
  • present The necessary legal advice, starting with foreign investors, whether they are men Businesses of their own persons or owners of legal entities.
  • present The necessary legal advice regarding the amount of capital required to carry out the activity Commercial.
  • Foreign investment contracts in accordance with the applicable system.
  • Foreign companies, and the issuance of the necessary licenses and commercial records.

is an industry Insurance is one of the tributaries supporting the global economy, starting with insurance care for individuals Or companies and the end of all commercial activities through licensed insurance companies, and it has become Insurance is one of the most important sectors needed to protect individuals and preserve the wealth of establishments Production capacity, avoiding major losses and stabilizing the souls of individuals and heads of state funds, on the grounds that its presence provides financial compensation for losses resulting from the realization of Certain risks, and it is no secret that insurance is one of the encouraging means for investment and development sustainable for any country in the world.

Considering insurance as one of the most important components Investment, we have been keen to provide any service in this field and what is related to principles and products Insurance and its contracts, preparing the correct insurance process procedures, and preventing Insurance fraud.

It was a strip Health care is limited to the production of medical drugs, laboratory tests and business laboratories, but it has recently expanded by finding hospitals specializing in the heart, bones and teeth And beautification and others, then this activity flourished and witnessed growth and impetus for both the tourism and medical sectors Both health resorts and private hospitals have been established, with the beauty of their architecture being the most beautiful of buildings Or international hotels in attractive forms, and as a result of this transformation, the medical sector has become of all kinds One of the most important pillars of the economy in the world until its shares were included in the lists of global stock exchanges Investors raced for it.

The researchers expect Doubling the size of the health care market in the coming period and reaching it exponentially, according to For a study developed by the Economic Cooperation Organization, the share of spending on the health sector will increase by About (10%) in 2030 AD of the GDP, thanks to this To develop devices that contribute to improving human life, including surgical endoscopes Heart, brain, electronically manufactured prosthetics, hearing devices, etc., and the diversity The multiplicity in this field and the advanced health services are among the things that drive the health sector and Its growth in the medium and long term.

and out of faith With the importance of this field, a legal team specialized in the field of health care has joined us to provide The best regular services related to this activity, and we have partners in all areas The relevant specialized practice, and through our experience, we can provide all services Comprehensive legal for all those involved in the healthcare industry, drafting agreements Outsourcing, outsourcing, medical franchises, and project processing Joint research agreements, contract review of medical entity construction, operations management and Sanitary facilities.

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